Explore the tabs below for publications from our OIE team members.
The Assessment Profession in Higher Education: Addressing the Varied Professional Development Needs of Practitioners (Ariovich, Bral, Gregg, Gulliford and Morrow), June 2018
The Assessment Profession in Higher Education: A Snapshot of Perceptions, Roles, and Activities (Ariovich, Bral, Gregg, Gulliford, and Morrow)
Addressing the Needs of Assessment Professionals: Practical Recommendations for Higher Ed (Ariovich, Bral, Gregg, Gulliford and Morrow), July 2018
6 Lessons to Sustain Assessment in Today's Climate (Patricia Gregg, May 6, 2020)
Falling in Love with Academic Assessment (Patricia Gregg, February 12, 2020)
Communication as a Learning Outcome in Graduate Education (Cushing et al.), 2018 AALHE Meeting
From Steep Learning Curve to Gentle SLOAP (Duffield and Gregg), 2016 SACSCOC Annual Meeting
Simplifying Assessment Reporting (Duffield), 2016 AALHE Annual Meeting
Direct Measures of Student Learning Outside the Classroom (Gregg), Ask eAIR, July 2016
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Office of Institutional Effectiveness