The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) survey research team works with GSU stakeholders to develop questionnaires, launch surveys and develop report findings.
If you would like for us to assist you in developing your survey instrument, we will need to know:
- How you would like to administer the survey
- To whom you would like the survey to be administered to
- The goal(s) of your survey research
- What questions you would like to ask in your survey
- Proposed survey administration dates
The following information contains details regarding our research processes and policies. Once you have a general idea about how you would like to pursue your research, you may contact us to schedule a meeting or get started on your survey research.
Survey System and Methods
If you are planning to launch a survey or would like our assistance in your survey research, please complete this form. If you plan to use an e-signature on the form and need assistance, you may follow the instructions listed here.
Please note: In addition to completing the form, we will need the following information/documentation from you and your team:
If you do require an IRB approval, you will need:
- Your IRB approval outcome letter
- Your IRB research protocol (from your IRB account, a PDF file)
- Your survey email invitation and reminder (if any) messages
- Description of your survey population
- Description of your survey period (launch date, closure date, how frequent of your reminders)
- Your survey subject line
- Your survey link(s) from Qualtrics/Survey Instrument(s)
If you do not need an IRB approval, you will need:
- Your survey email invitation and reminder (if any) messages
- Description of your survey population
- Description of your survey period (launch date, closure date, how frequent of your reminders)
- Your survey subject line
- Your survey link(s) from Qualtrics/Survey Instrument(s)
Once we have received all of the necessary documentation, we can begin our review process.
We administer surveys using Qualtrics, a surveying tool that is free to use by all faculty and staff at GSU. Qualtrics has the ability to share surveys through several communication methods:
- Personal links, which are sent to participants via email and can only be used one time
- Single links, which can be used by more than one participant (and more than once by the same participant)
- QR codes, which can be used by more than one participant (and more than once by the same participant)
We can also administer surveys using our PR Marketing cloud account. In this case, once the approval process has been confirmed, we can send an email and your survey link to target audiences on your behalf.
Some of the more commonly used survey question types are displayed below. For a comprehensive list of question types available to use in Qualtrics, explore this page.
- Open Response: The open response question is ideal for collecting qualitative data.
- Likert Scale: The Likert scale question enables a participant to identify exactly where their judgment falls on any given topic. We can develop individual pole labels and extended pole labels through this question type
- Single Choice questions
- Multiple-Choice questions
As the expert in your area, you may be familiar with topics in your survey that we or the participants may not be familiar with. If you plan on discussing any of these topics/areas, please provide us with those descriptions or definitions.
For online survey administration, we will likely need a list of email addresses for your survey participants. If you have this information, you will need to send it to us (and if it contains FERPA-protected information such as student information, you will need to share it via sendafile).
If you do not have a list of survey participants but know of the population(s) you wish to survey, please let us know and we can pull data from GSU internal records (information from students, faculty, staff, alumni, etc.). Any information from stakeholders outside of our university will have to be collected and provided by you.
Anonymous Surveys: The anonymous survey is sent out through individual survey links. In developing an anonymous survey, we are no longer able to track who has completed the survey but can see what percentage and quantity of the population has completed the survey. Because participants are not directly tracked, we are unable to develop survey reminders for those who have not completed their survey.
Non-anonymous Surveys: We are also able to track participants through our online surveys but must make the participants aware of this prior to taking the survey.
Policies and Practices
When we are accepting or providing data containing sensitive information, we ask that the information is only shared through GSU's Sendafile, which encrypts data messages to protect this information.
When we develop reports from survey research, we maintain the raw data. We can provide reports, summaries and visualized findings from this research, but can only share the raw data under certain circumstances.
If you would like to obtain data that was collected by the IR survey team for another individual’s or group’s research, we must obtain written permission from that party prior to sharing it with you. We are unable to share data results with other parties outside of the original research requestor(s) unless explicitly expressed by the original requester. If you need specific data, please reach out to the person(s) initially involved with the data collection.
While we can administer online surveys and their announcements, any additional external communication to your participants regarding their participation (e.g., outgoing emails to be sent by you) should be handled by you/your office.
If you are seeking assistance with an Institutional Review Board (IRB) project, we ask that you provide us with the following items and information:
- IRB outcome letter
- Approved study protocol (from your IRB account, a PDF file)
- Survey links(s)
- Description of population (paragraph stating your population definition: e.g., 18 years old or older, undergraduate students currently enrolled, online, specific course or program, etc.)
- Description of survey administration process (paragraph stating steps of your survey administration, e.g., n of reminders, frequency of reminders, etc.)
- Survey period (which will say is subject to change based on our availability)
- Survey recruitment letter (reminder message, if different from the original letter)
- Other important information about your survey administration, if applicable