While OIE is composed of five different teams, our offices are all housed together to comprehensively optimize Institutional Effectiveness.
Enterprise Data Management and Analytics
The Office of Enterprise Data Management and Analytics maintains the University Data Warehouse and provides reporting services and tools such as Argos, IPORT, and Tableau. The Office of Enterprise Data Management and Analytics also maintains the Academic Program Review site and the Academic Dashboard site, where departments can commission customized dashboards for their units.
Institutional Research
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) supports university stakeholders and decision-makers by supplying actionable information in a timely manner. OIR offers support with survey research, data analysis and reporting, and external requests for data. OIR also supports and serves as a primary point of contact for the Academic Analytics system.
Policy, Planning, and Accreditation
The Office of Policy, Planning, and Accreditation (OPPA) guides administrative and support units through the Administrative Review process; advises and supports the Administrative Review Group (ARG); directs the University’s Institutional Effectiveness assessment process for administrative and support units and facilitates those units’ development and measurement of IE outcomes; and co-chairs the Policy Advisory Group and coordinates the documentation, clarification, and modification of University policies and procedure, and ensures that policies and procedures are accessible. This office also manages the University’s accountability to its stakeholders and accrediting bodies by tracking and coordinating the processes and reporting required by accreditation and the Board of Regents.
Assessment and Review
The Office of Assessment and Review (OAR) supports annual assessment of student learning outcomes (SLOs) in the core curriculum and in degree and certificate programs, as well as Academic Program Review (APR), a comprehensive review that each academic department conducts of all its programs every seven years.
Data Governance
The data governance program provides guidance and training on the handling of institutional data in accordance with the University System of Georgia’s regulations. This program also leads the university’s Data Advisory Group (DAG), manages the business glossary, and addresses the data needs of the DAG.