IPORT contains our most-requested university data.
Argos and IPORT Training
Banner student data is used in the training exercises. Participants must fill out the Online Argos Request Access Form. If you do not have access to view banner student data, please complete the Data Access Request Form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
Note: If your role at GSU requires you to have access/training on data other than Banner Student, please contact Joan Mooyin-Edwards at: [email protected] to arrange a specialized training session.
It is required that you take these classes in the following order after completing training requirements:
1. IPORT/Argos Report Viewer
Argos Viewer/IPORT classes have been combined to offer the end user a more powerful means of gathering data for reporting needs.
- The IPORT part of the class is demonstration of this date retrieval tool that includes running/executing/exporting reports and creating customized reports using worksheets.
- The Argos Report Viewer is an introduction to the Argos data reporting tool and a demonstration of how to run reports in Argos using the available reporting options. In this part of the class, you will learn how to search for and run reports in Argos. You will be able to run and save the two most common types of reports – comma delimited (CV) and banded (BR).
- This class usually runs for two to four hours.
2. Argos Report Writer
This class teaches individuals how to use data blocks to build reports. You will learn how to use data blocks (where database information is stored) and to create and modify reports.
- SQL knowledge is not required to write reports.
- Reports are created by dropping data fields on a template to design the report’s look and feel.
- The data block will already contain the data you will need to create a report.
- This class is currently taught in two parts: part one focuses on comma delimited (CV), and extract (text output files) reports. Part two focuses on banded (BR) reports. Each part usually runs two to three hours.
3. Data Block Designer I and II
These classes are currently taught in two parts. Part I builds a data block from scratch. Part II builds a data block using the structure from part one. Each part usually runs two to three hours. These classes teach individuals how to create custom SQL statements and forms. Data blocks are central to creating and using reports in Argos. In these classes, you will build two data blocks from scratch.
- While SQL knowledge is not required for these classes, individuals taking these classes should be proficient with SQL and have knowledge of the database table structure. The DSS group will create the bulk of the data blocks for the university. Therefore, these classes are not required for report writers.
4. IPORT and IPORT Worksheets
In addition to covering how to use the IPORT tool, this class also expands your knowledge of customizing IPORT worksheets. You will learn to use formatting tools such as filter, aggregate, grouping data and creating charts.
IPORT and ARGOS training classes are now published on the GSU Event Calendar. Each semester’s class schedule is available a month before the semester begins. Note the classes may not be in date order. Every participant must be verified to be either a GSU faculty or staff member to attend one of these classes.
While on the calendar page, you must locate and click the “Register” button to receive a ticket confirming your registration for training. When you have completed the registration process, you will receive a training confirmation email from EventBrite. If you decide to register for a class, continue clicking on “Register” until you have a “ticket number.” The ticket number assures you have a place in the class. Please also register with your GSU email address.
To register for Argos and IPORT training classes, please view our upcoming training (below) to find available classes. You can also click here for Argos classes and here for IPORT classes.
Structured Query Language (SQL) Training
As a service to the GSU faculty and staff community, the Office of Institutional Research offers training on SQL, or Structured Query Language, programming. One course meets for six hours a week for five to six weeks, depending on the schedule. The course goals are to:
- train analysts and frequent data users on the coding skills necessary to pull data from GSU data sources,
- familiarize course attendees with the various data sources and their structures, and
- learn best practices on coding in the GSU environment.
To understand the content in the SQL training courses, we recommend following the course pathway below:
OIR offers this course twice a year: once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. If you are interested in attending the next SQL course, please email Ben Bond, Assistant Director of Institutional Research, who will add you to the list of attendees. You will receive an email once the next course is scheduled, and you can RSVP with that email.
Additionally, if you have questions about IPORT or Argos, please email [email protected].